Together, we can build a sustainable future.

As a competitive athlete, I've had the privilege to travel to various parts of the world to compete in international rowing events. In recent years, I have become increasingly aware of the impact that human activity has on our planet. It is our collective responsibility to take action and make changes that will protect and preserve our planet for generations to come. This is why I have made sustainability a cornerstone of my mission in rowing.

I've made it my mission to promote sustainability in sports. I believe that as athletes and individuals, we have a responsibility to protect the planet we all share.

In order to create a more sustainable future, we must start by making changes in our daily lives and habits. This includes reducing our waste and carbon footprint, using environmentally-friendly products, and supporting companies and organizations that prioritize sustainability.

I'm looking to partner with brands and individuals who share my values and want to support my mission through sponsorship. By collaborating with me, you'll not only help me compete at the highest level, but also contribute to a greater cause. Whether you're a brand looking for a meaningful partnership or an individual looking to make a difference, I invite you to join me on this journey. Let's show the world that sustainability and sports can go hand in hand, and that together, we can build a more sustainable future.



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